Let’s Make Good Mentoring, Great!

Let's start with an indisputable fact: Mentoring programs work.

Multiple studies have shown that employees who receive mentoring are more successful than those who don’t. They're more engaged and more productive. 

Yet, despite this promise, there are common gaps that leave mentees and mentors feeling unfulfilled. Mentees are often only able to apply a fraction of the potential learning. Mentors and mentees get busy. Both have other priorities. They get distracted. They can lose focus. Motivation can waver. Progress can become hard to see.

The Mentee’s Dilemma: Goals Without Guidance

For mentees, entering a mentoring program is often the first step toward ambitious career and personal goals. However, without a structured system for applying learning and pursuing these goals, we hear from mentees that mentoring can start to feel like just another line item on an already crowded to-do list. They're left wanting, struggling to align their busy schedules with the infrequent catch-ups that are supposed to be life-changing, struggling to make headway in-between checkpoints, and struggling to turn insight into action.

The Mentor's Perspective: Altruism and Self-Benefit

Mentors, often volunteers, take on the task for various reasons. Some see it as a way to give back, nurturing the next generation of leaders. Others look forward to the benefits they personally gain—be it career progression, recognition, or just a boost in self-esteem. But regardless of their motivations, mentors face their own set of challenges: How can they make the most impact in the limited time they have with their mentees? How can they best help mentees apply learning and insight? How do they ensure their own sense of progress, achievement, motivation.

The Program Manager’s Task: Serving Multiple Needs, While Showing ROI

As a program manager, you’re stuck in the middle, tasked with satisfying both mentors and mentees, all while demonstrating a return on investment (ROI) to the organisation. It's a tough juggling act.You're responsible for ensuring the mentoring program delivers on its promise to boost individual and organisational performance. But you're faced with key challenges:

  • Maintaining Engagement: How do you keep mentees engaged in the program without overwhelming them, given their own busy schedules and multiple commitments?

  • Developing Your Mentors: How do you grow the impact of your mentors and help them evolve in their role, especially when many of them are volunteers who are already stretched thin?

Enter Lasoo: The Solution to Better Mentoring Outcomes

Lasoo was built to alleviate all these common issues by providing a comprehensive management system to turbocharge mentoring relationships. With Lasoo, you get:

  1. The System to Elevate Your Goals: With Lasoo, your mentee goals become more than mere aspirations — they transform into actionable steps within a robust system designed for real achievement.

  2. Structure: We offer a blueprint that takes the guesswork out of mentoring, making it easier for everyone involved.

  3. Systemised Achievement: Turn the goal-setting process into a simple, repeatable system for success.

  4. Support Between Sessions: Mentors can easily encourage and guide their mentees, even when they’re not sitting across the same table.

  5. Momentum: Our features ensure that goals and actions don't lose steam between sessions.

  6. Documentation: Everything is recorded, making it easier to track, assess, and pivot strategies when needed.

  7. Mentor Development: Lasoo's customised mentor best practice habit catalogue and progress tracking tools provide mentors with a comprehensive framework to elevate their mentoring conversations and skill sets.

  8. Single Source of Truth: mentors and mentees improve focus and save time.

  9. Data Insights: No more guesswork. Track progress and clearly demonstrate the ROI of your mentoring program.

Transforming Potential Into Achievement, with Lasoo

Mentoring is already a powerful engine for success; with Lasoo, you supercharge that engine, transforming good mentoring programs into extraordinary, life-altering experiences that redefine what’s possible for mentors, mentees, and your organisation.


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