Solving 3 key challenges with Learning & Development
The importance of Learning & Development
Learn & Development is critical to the success of any business. Ultimately L&D is about making the most of an organisation’s greatest asset - its people. L&D helps to improve employee performance and engagement, develop future leaders and increase job satisfaction and retain employees.
L&D managers are typically aiming to go beyond providing training classes and resources and are looking at the whole learning and development journey. At Lasoo we believe that habits serve an important role in the process.
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.
As important as Learning & Development is, there are a number of challenges that can limit the effectiveness of L&D initiatives. Three key challenges that a focus on habits can help address are detailed below.
Making learning stick
The “skills transfer gap” is a well recognised problem. Simply put, many staff do not take what they learn in the classroom and apply it to their jobs.
Our solution to the skills transfer gap is to help staff build habits to practice the skills they are learning. This is about taking a ‘whole journey’ approach and following learning goals from the classroom to their application in day to day workplace.
Lasoo inspires participants, it guides them through the practice of new skills and it rewards those that are successful. Lasoo adds a level of accountability to make sure staff practice what the skills they are learning.
Measuring L&D effectiveness
Ultimately the aim of a Learning & Development Manager is facilitate measurable learning and development outcomes for an organisation.
Accurately measuring the effect of L&D programs is notoriously difficult though due to the lack of objective data around behaviour change. Often L&D effectiveness measurement is limited to subjective self-reporting from staff.
Lasoo provides an unprecedented view of day to day organisational behavioural data that can be directly linked back to L&D programs. This data clearly shows which staff are applying what they have learned in their day to day roles. Lasoo also helps collect the stories of success with habits that are so important for inspiring others to grow and practice new skills.
Supporting continuous learning
The ultimate goal of many L&D managers is around supporting a continuous learning strategy where staff are continually learning every day.
Providing learning resources for staff to continually engage with is an important part of any strategy, but resources are not effective unless staff have the habit of engaging with them on a regular basis.
Lasoo can help engrain the habit of continuously engaging with learning materials that is so important for maximising staff potential.
At Lasoo we are passionate about Learning and Development because we believe that organisations should be trying to fullfil the potential of every one of their staff.
Helping staff to build and track habits aligned with learning goals can greatly increase the effectiveness of L&D programs and give organisations a lens on learning outcomes and behaviour change they have not had in past.