Continuous performance management with Lasoo

At Lasoo, we define performance management as the continuous communication and feedback between a manager and employee towards the achievement of an organisation's objectives.

Performance management is a cyclical process that includes the following activities:

  1. Planning - Agreeing on a set of personal SMART goals that align with the objectives of the organisation.

  2. Monitoring - Ongoing monitoring and feedback on performance from a manager.

  3. Development - Coaching, courses and other career development training

  4. Rating - Annual performance reviews, often linked to renumeration.

Key challenges

As well understood as performance management is in theory, very few are satisfied with their organisation's performance management process in practice.

Some typical challenges include:

  • After the planning stage, goals become "set and forget" until the next quarter's performance review meeting

  • A lack of clarity on how the day-to-day actions contribute towards the achievement of goals

  • Activity is not logged, leaving little information for managers on how their staff are performing

  • Feedback from managers is too infrequent to be effective

  • Development plans are set but not acted upon

  • Awkward and uncomfortable performance review conversations

Our approach

“Goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress”

- James Clear

Great goals are vital to make sure employee behaviour is aligned with the goals of their organisation. Just as important is staff having systems to ensure they are working towards their goals every day.

High performers in an organisation are high performing because of the things they do day in and day out. Lasoo helps staff to stick with the right daily habits and routines that will allow them to reach their performance and development goals.

Lasoo helps staff to get more granular about their goals, building the right habits that will make those goals a reality. It tracks activity, improves transparency, and introduces a continuous feedback loop between managers and their staff.

Lasoo is a lightweight system that our users love. It complements existing performance management processes by plugging the gaps where those processes break down.

Try Lasoo for free today.


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